Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Organic Food of the Week

"We didn’t set out to become the nation’s leading natural frozen food brand. All we wanted to do was create a business that would allow us to earn a living by providing convenient and tasty natural vegetarian meals for people like ourselves, who appreciated good food, but were often too busy to cook from scratch."

If I had to choose a favorite organic food to purchase, one that's delicious, and easy to find - I would have to say the first thing that comes to mind is the brand "Amy's" You can find their stuff in any major grocery store, and even some convenient stores! They're a company with great morals and values, their products are competitively affordable, and they're a great vegetarian alternative for those days where you have already eaten your share of meat - and believe me, you wouldn't know you weren't eating meat in these products!

My best friend introduced me to this brand about 2 years ago when he was telling me about his favorite quick and healthy dinner, Amy's Chili on Rice (currently what I'm eating for dinner right now actually) Since then I've found myself gravitating towards their products on most occasions when I'm in the soup isle of the grocery store - not even the organic section, but if you go there, you'll find even more of their products.

One of my favorites so far has been Amy's "Not Chicken Noodle Soup" It had all the heartiness, and even more flavor than the regular canned chunky soup, and none of the processed crap - and especially not MSG or MSG alternatives.

I have an MSG allergy, where when I eat it in large, and sometimes in even small quantities in processed food, I get overwhelming migraines, where I'm often sick to my stomach for hours, and the first food I can go for when I feel up for eating again is soup - which is one of the most common places to find MSG - I'll elaborate on that in my next article though.

For now, consider a healthy alternative for yourself, or your family, where if you're not ready to start cooking organic, let someone do the cooking for you, where all you have to do is heat it up!

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